Korean Dried Pollack Soup

Soups are such a staple in Korean cuisine. Even though bbq is what a lot of people know Korean food as, soups are a more commonly eaten food. This soup is called 북어국 or Bukeoguk and it is a light broth with pollack in it. I got the recipe off of Korean Bapsang who has amazing recipes on her site She lists it as a winter soup, but honestly it tastes good to me any time of the year. Follow her recipe exactly! She never guides me wrong with her recipes. It comes out so tasty!

I used to buy the dried pre-packaged ones in the store. The ones where all you do is add water and you have the soup. While it was good, I think I was always disappointed by the small almost non-existent additions. When I make it myself I add in lots of tofu, scallions, egg, potato. It turns into a much more filling and tastier soup!

I recently got Souper Cubes as well. This company is AMAZING and their product is simply genius! I froze servings of this soup into 1 cup servings and now I can have Bukeoguk whenever I want! Sure the texture of the tofu does change slightly, but it is minimal. And the soup is JUST as tasty! You can either microwave it or reheat in a small pot on the stove. Either way if there is not enough liquid I add just a little bit of water and it doesn’t affect the taste at all.

Souper Cubes also has half-cup servings which I LOVE because I use them to freeze portions of rice. So if you’ve ever gone into an Asian store and you see those pre-packaged rice things that you just microwave….don’t get them! Just make your rice and freeze it right out of the cooker. Then when you reheat just add a splash of water and voila yummy rice for you! Freezing it right out of the cooker keeps in the moisture on the rice so when you reheat it will come out with an awesome texture.

I freeze in half cup servings because that is about how much rice I usually have with a meal. But you do you right?

This recipe is a definite MUST-TRY and bonus it is freezer friendly!!