Instant Pot Recipe #1: Spinach Mushroom Risotto

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Instant Pot Risotto

Have you gotten on the Instant Pot craze yet? I’ve waited for years and years to get one because I kept thinking that I didn’t need it. That it was just a fad and the gadget would sort of fizzle out. I finally caved this year and got one at one of the lowest prices ever! I mean how could I resist after I kept seeing recipes all over the place as well. Of course, I also splurged on accessories and A LOT of ebooks to the point at almost being at decision overwhelm. Where to start? What to make?

I LOVE risotto. I’ve always done it the conventional way with the hot stock and the constant stirring. But IP said 8 minutes? No stirring? Sign me up. I got the original recipe here but I added a spinach/arugla mix in at the end for some greens. Needless to say it came out crazy good. It was rich and creamy and was so fast to make. And clean-up??? ONE POT! Too good to be true almost.

I think I may be hooked. Call me late to the game I have all sorts of Instant Pot “must-try” recipes lined up and you will see my first takes here. Leave in the comments below if you have any great Instant Pot recipes to recommend!