Korean Dried Pollack Soup

Soups are such a staple in Korean cuisine. Even though bbq is what a lot of people know Korean food as, soups are a more commonly eaten food. This soup is called 북어국 or Bukeoguk and it is a light broth with pollack in it. I got the recipe off of Korean Bapsang who has amazing recipes on her site She lists it as a winter soup, but honestly it tastes good to me any time of the year. Follow her recipe exactly! She never guides me wrong with her recipes. It comes out so tasty!

I used to buy the dried pre-packaged ones in the store. The ones where all you do is add water and you have the soup. While it was good, I think I was always disappointed by the small almost non-existent additions. When I make it myself I add in lots of tofu, scallions, egg, potato. It turns into a much more filling and tastier soup!

I recently got Souper Cubes as well. This company is AMAZING and their product is simply genius! I froze servings of this soup into 1 cup servings and now I can have Bukeoguk whenever I want! Sure the texture of the tofu does change slightly, but it is minimal. And the soup is JUST as tasty! You can either microwave it or reheat in a small pot on the stove. Either way if there is not enough liquid I add just a little bit of water and it doesn’t affect the taste at all.

Souper Cubes also has half-cup servings which I LOVE because I use them to freeze portions of rice. So if you’ve ever gone into an Asian store and you see those pre-packaged rice things that you just microwave….don’t get them! Just make your rice and freeze it right out of the cooker. Then when you reheat just add a splash of water and voila yummy rice for you! Freezing it right out of the cooker keeps in the moisture on the rice so when you reheat it will come out with an awesome texture.

I freeze in half cup servings because that is about how much rice I usually have with a meal. But you do you right?

This recipe is a definite MUST-TRY and bonus it is freezer friendly!!

Sloppy Liz

Sometimes you want something fancy, different, try something new. But there is something about “Sloppy Liz” that AB just can’t get enough of. If I let him he’d have this dish just about every other week. After a couple months of multiple times of this dish I put a limit that we are only allowed this once a month.

The basic recipe is actually from Real Simple: https://www.realsimple.com/food-recipes/browse-all-recipes/not-so-sloppy-joes but based on some comments (and our common likes) I put in some different things thus making it a “Sloppy Liz” instead of a “Sloppy Joe”.

Make sure to add in worcestershire sauce to the mix. It can vary how much, a couple glugs, to a lot of glugs, but trust me it will add lots of good flavor. AB likes things saucey so I actually add 1-2 tomato paste cans of water. So what I mean by that is empty the tomato paste mix into the pan then fill the can with water to add to the mix. Dependent on how saucey you like it. We alternate between ground beef and ground turkey. I try not to go super lean because then it takes away flavor and it gets a little “dry” but you do you. I add in a whole (big box) of sliced baby bella mushrooms after I add all the seasonings etc. I find if I add it too early the mushrooms are just a little too mushy. The time it takes to simmer the sauce etc cooks the mushrooms just right. Don’t like mushrooms? Leave em out~ but AB and I LOVE mushrooms.

Hope you guys give this one a try! This is one of those few recipes I can actually do from memory now!

Instant Pot Recipe #1: Spinach Mushroom Risotto

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Instant Pot Risotto

Have you gotten on the Instant Pot craze yet? I’ve waited for years and years to get one because I kept thinking that I didn’t need it. That it was just a fad and the gadget would sort of fizzle out. I finally caved this year and got one at one of the lowest prices ever! I mean how could I resist after I kept seeing recipes all over the place as well. Of course, I also splurged on accessories and A LOT of ebooks to the point at almost being at decision overwhelm. Where to start? What to make?

I LOVE risotto. I’ve always done it the conventional way with the hot stock and the constant stirring. But IP said 8 minutes? No stirring? Sign me up. I got the original recipe here https://amzn.to/34LOEpq but I added a spinach/arugla mix in at the end for some greens. Needless to say it came out crazy good. It was rich and creamy and was so fast to make. And clean-up??? ONE POT! Too good to be true almost.

I think I may be hooked. Call me late to the game I have all sorts of Instant Pot “must-try” recipes lined up and you will see my first takes here. Leave in the comments below if you have any great Instant Pot recipes to recommend!

Hello world!

Here’s my start to documenting all the things that I have been trying lately. When you are just browsing through things, whether it is books, Instagram, Pinterest along with many other sites, don’t you wonder how it really is? Does the recipe taste good? Is that project really doable? I wanted a place where I could list my own opinion on things and share what I’ve learned in the process because ultimately it will help YOU save time if the project is a bust.

Leave in the comments if there are things/recipes/events etc that you would like me to try!